Project Detour (Castle View Book 3) Page 5
“You were?” Destiny looked at Brad and Maggie.
Maggie’s eyes widened and he got THE LOOK. He smiled at her. His sister never did trust him. “Maggie wanted to know what we wanted for dinner.”
He could see the relief on his sister’s face. What did she think? He’d break her confidence? He must have a bad rep with both of his siblings, and here he’d thought the trouble had just been between him and Mark.
“I’m good with anything that comes from Maggie’s. I can’t believe I get paid for the job and get to eat your wonderful food every day.” Destiny came into the room and picked up Brad’s wrist to check his pulse. “I probably should be using the machine, but sometimes, the old ways tell us more about what’s going on in a patient’s body.”
“So that’s all I am now, a patient?” He added a smile to the words, hoping it would ease the sting he’d felt.
“Of course not.” Apparently satisfied with his pulse, she started to clear the glasses from his table. “You’re also a royal pain in the behind.”
As Destiny left the room, Maggie exploded into laughter. “I guess she told you.” She looked at her watch. “I’ve got to get back. Would you like Mom and I to come over tomorrow night for cards? Josh is working the restaurant, but I need a night off.”
“Sounds good.” He turned his head so she could kiss his cheek.
She wiped her lipstick off his cheek. “You look good. Much better than you did at the hospital.”
“The rumors of my death were grossly exaggerated.” He moved the bed lower. “Would you let Destiny know I’m taking a nap. She can go ahead and eat without me. I’ll eat when I wake up. “
“Are you sure? I brought fish and chips. Your French fries will be cold.” Maggie paused at his bedside.
“Positive.” Or at least that’s what he thought he’d said. His eyelids drooped shut and he fell asleep.
Maggie was such a nice woman. Destiny sat at the kitchen table eating the too large portion of fish and chips she’d been brought. Along with the mail course, Maggie had packed a quart of coleslaw, a bakery box of walnut brownies, and a twelve pack of soda along with a large container of juice. The woman knew how to take care of others. Maggie was dating the chef at the restaurant, but that guy needed to put a ring on it if he planned to make the deal permanent. Maggie was too great of a catch to let slide by.
Before she’d left, she’d told Destiny that she and Sandy would be by around seven Saturday night to help entertain Brad. They would be playing gin and she was welcome to join them. “Of course, if you need some time away from my brother, I totally get it.” Maggie had grinned at the implication.
Brad was a handful. But for some reason, he’d turned a corner and was actually listening to her suggestions. Or he was totally snowballing her and doing whatever he wanted when her back was turned. She’d accepted the invitation assuring Maggie that she wasn’t tired of spending time with Brad. That part, at least was true. The man was easy on the eyes and his attention could make her stomach clench, but this time, she knew it wasn’t because she didn’t want him looking at her. Boy, did she want him to look at her. And when she was washed his body last night, well, that a memory to store up for later.
She was a horrible person. She shouldn’t be feeling this attraction toward a patient. Even if this was an extraordinary situation. She was a professional, for gosh sakes.
A professional who was attracted to her client. Heaven help her. She dunked a French fry into the cocktail sauce and thought about what her future held in store. The good thing was it wouldn’t be here in St. Joseph’s where she could run into Brad daily. No, she would get out of town as soon as this job was over. That way she could put her failure behind her and start fresh. And forget Brad Castle even existed.
That was her plan and she was sticking to it.
She put the rest of her meal into the fridge. Maybe she’d feel like eating later. Right now, her emotions overrode her hunger. Men, should be… She paused, thinking of what she wanted men to be, but all she could think about was kissing Brad. A thing she wasn’t going to do. Not today, not ever. She picked up the mystery she’d been reading and went into the living room where she’d hear if Brad woke up.
She’d gotten through three chapters and still hadn’t heard anything. She snuck into the room, pausing at the door. Brad’s eyes were closed and, from the rise and fall of his chest, his breathing, regular.
She started to leave but his voice stopped her.
“Come in and read to me. I’m awake.”
She came closer, adjusting the blanket over one leg as she came up to the bed. “Your eyes are closed. Are you sure you don’t want to sleep longer?”
“I can sleep when I’m dead.”
His words chilled her. “Don’t even talk like that. You’re doing great. Most people who had an accident like yours wouldn’t even be living right now. You were lucky.”
“That’s debatable, but I’m not going there. Since I still can’t remember what really happened, I’m not a good source. Let’s continue the hobbit’s journey, shall we?” He handed her the book. “And don’t skip ahead when I fall asleep, it’s rude.”
“Who said I was reading ahead?” She took the book and opened it to the bookmark.
“The bookmark was a chapter ahead of where I remember us leaving off.” He cocked his head. “You don’t want to take advantage of an invalid, do you?”
“You’re playing that card way too much. I need to call your doctor. Apparently, you’re feeling much better. Maybe you don’t need me around anymore.”
He gently grabbed her wrist. “That’s totally not true.”
She didn’t know what to say. “Relax, big boy, I was only joking.”
“Then start reading, woman, I’m worried about where we last left Frodo.” He released her wrist and leaned back on his pillow. The moment was gone and the real Brad was back. For a minute, she’d seen fear on his face. Not fear of his possible physical condition, but of being left alone. So Brad Castle did have chinks in the wall he’d built around himself. As she read the story, she wondered what that meant.
With lunch done and Destiny’s voice hoarse from reading, she made a decision. “I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going now?” Brad was grumpy, but not tired. Destiny believed he was mainly bored out of his mind.
“I need to make a call.”
She went to the kitchen and called the doctor’s office. After asking her question, she was transferred to two different nurses and finally got reluctant permission from the doctor. “If he shows any signs of pain…”
“I promise, I’ll be there with him all the time and I’ll be watching his face for any sign.” Of course she’d be watching his face. Going any lower would be embarrassing to him and her. She listened to the rest of the lecture and agreed to call immediately if anything happened.
“I am not comfortable with this, but I understand the patient’s need.” Doctor Roberts conceded. “That boy has been a handful since I first met him with his mother years ago.”
“You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.” She hung up the phone and went into the downstairs bathroom to make arrangements. When she came out, she lowered the bed rail and got his wheelchair in place.
“I don’t have to go to the bathroom.” Brad waved her hands away. Basketball played on the television. “I’m watching something here.”
“I think you’ll want to pause the game and come with me.” She took the remote out of his hands and hit pause. Expensive television sets were wonderful, but she’d already noticed that even though Brad had the highest level of cable programing on over 500 channels, too often, there was nothing on to watch. She moved his legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed a black trash bag out of her pocket and slipped it over his leg with the full cast. Wrapping duct tape around the top and down the leg to keep the bag tight. Then she did the same with the broken foot. “Now, lean forward, putting your we
ight on me, not your feet.”
“Are you killing me and cutting me into pieces? Will this make it easier to sell my body parts?” He leaned forward and she felt his breath on her neck.
“I wouldn’t get any money for your parts. They’re too sour.” She leaned him into the wheelchair. “You’re going to love this, but we have to make it quick. So what’s your pain level right now?”
“I just took a pill so, two?” He shook his head. “Seriously, what’s going on?”
She pushed him toward the bathroom. “I got your approved for a shower. But I have to be there watching, so no boy stuff, okay?”
“What’s boy stuff?”
She whispered in his ear. “No erections due to the hot soapy water.”
He grinned. “It may not be the water causing it.”
“See, now, that’s the boy stuff that you need to knock off. I’m just a simple country girl, I could take your teasing the wrong way.” She turned on the water and let it heat. “You’re going to have to kind of lean on the wall and let me do the work, but we will be able to actually wash your hair this way.”
She’d set a kitchen stool in the walk-in shower and he nodded his approval. “Great idea. We doing the same drill?”
“Almost. I have to strip you once you get upright.” She laughed at his raised eyebrows. “What?”
“Shouldn’t you buy me dinner first?” He took off his shirt. “See, I can help.”
“Yes, you can.” She locked the brakes on his chair. “If at any time you are in pain, we’ll cut this short and get you right back in bed.”
“You’re kidding, right?” He shook his head. “I’ve been dying for a shower for weeks. I’m not letting a little pain stop me from this nirvana.”
“Your idea of heaven and mine are a little different.” She tested the water again. “Okay, if you’re ready, it’s go time.”
“Seriously, you need to work on your foreplay skills.” Brad put his arms around her neck and let her lift him.
They turned toward the shower. “Now, hold on to the wall while I get the rest of your clothes off.”
Brad did what he was told, but then started humming the stripper song.
She stood back up, looking him in the eye. “Stop, you’re making me laugh.”
“That’s not the reaction I was looking for with this type of activity.” He let her lean him back onto the stool, then waited as she took off his basketball shorts. “Let the games begin.”
She turned the water up to the shower nozzle and handed him the soap. “You wash while I do your hair. We need to be quick about this.”
“Wham, bam, thank you ma’am fast?”
“Yes.” She lifted the hand-held nozzle to his head, gently running water over his blonde hair.
He closed his eyes and groaned. “That feels amazing.”
She poked him. “Wash. I don’t want to be standing here forever with your naked body.”
“So many ways I could respond to that.” He opened his eyes and caught her gaze. “Were you just peeking downward?”
“No.” But she had been. Brad was well-endowed. One more thing she shouldn’t know about her patient.
But she was glad she did. She poured shampoo into her hands and started washing his hair. This was such a bad idea. Which is probably why it felt so good.
Brad woke the next morning feeling almost normal. Yes, he still felt the pain, reminding him it was time for his pills, but he felt more alive and, crap, happy, than he had for weeks. He grabbed the thriller he’d been reading and settled in for some quiet time before breakfast. Then his phone rang.
“Brad Castle.” He didn’t stop reading.
“Boss? This is Jose. We have a problem.” His general manager seemed out of breath, the words spilling out as fast as he could say them.
Brad set the book down. “What’s going on?”
“The shipment to the wine tasting didn’t get there. I’ve been on the phone with the shipping company and they say they delivered it yesterday, but the event says no. What should I do?”
Brad tried to think. The event was Saturday and this was what, Friday? He could have someone drive another batch up to Spokane, but where was the first delivery? “Have you tried to call Maggie or Mark?”
“Mark is in Seattle with his family. They were taking the little girl to see her papa. Maggie doesn’t answer.” Jose took a deep breath. “I wouldn’t have called you, but when they called this morning, they threatened to take us out of the event. I sent the wine, I promise.”
“I know you did.” Brad eyed his wheelchair. He couldn’t drive, but Jose could come get him. His company truck was a full size Sierra. “Look come by the house. You can drive me to the winery and we’ll figure this out together.”
A pause held so long on the other end of the line that Brad thought they’d been disconnected. Finally, Jose answered. “I don’t know, Boss. You were pretty banged up when I last saw you.”
“Well, I’m better now. Besides, we need to get this handled quickly. Apparently, you can’t get it done on your own. You’ll have me back at home before my breakfast is ready.” And before Destiny finds out I left, he hoped. He glanced at the clock, just after six. Destiny typically brought his coffee in at seven. He had an entire hour. And besides, he rationalized, she told him he could work for an hour a day. “Meet me outside in ten minutes.”
Brad ended the call before Jose could point out that with a broken leg and foot, and being stuck in a wheelchair, getting into Brad’s office would be tricky. However getting into the winery warehouse would be impossible. He’d been approached about adding a handicap accessible ramp, but since no one but the workers entered the warehouse, he hadn’t seen the need. Now he was the one cut off from being able to access all of the property.
No matter, he mused. He could get done what Jose needed in no time. Destiny might not even know he had left the house. Besides, this was his life. She wasn’t his jailer, just someone who was here to help him navigate for the next few weeks. That’s all.
He thought about the way she’d gently washed his hair last night, then after they were done, she’d wrapped him in a big towel, sat him on another stool, and took off the plastic trash bags covering his foot and leg. The duct tape she’d used had ripped hair out of his leg causing him to yelp in pain.
He remembered the fear on her face when she’d looked up and asked what was wrong. She’d thought the shower had messed with something. She’d probably been told it was too early, yet she’d done it anyway. It was one thing he loved about her, she didn’t follow the rules. Loved? His emotional side quaked at the word. “Don’t get all mushy. It’s only a word.”
He pulled on clean basketball shorts and a sleeveless tank. Jose had never seen him in athletic wear, but putting on the suit or even a pair of Dockers was out of the question right now. He ran his hand through his hair, took care of his bathroom requirements, and had the wheelchair out on the driveway in fifteen minutes.
Jose was already waiting there and his face went pale when he saw his boss. “I don’t know, maybe this is a bad idea.”
“Just help me into the truck. Is that seat kicked all the way back?” He jerked open the passenger door and peered into the opening. The truck sat high, which gave tall people like Jose and Brad plenty of room. But he wasn’t sure how he’d be able to navigate into the seat from the level of the chair.
He directed Jose, the same way Destiny had directed him. He was standing up, leaning on Jose, when the trouble started. Jose didn’t know to turn him backwards and tried to lift Brad into the truck sideways. Brad’s head hit on the top of the cab and he involuntarily lifted his hands to his head. “Shit.”
“Boss, what happened?” Jose let go, not realizing Brad was using him to stand. Brad slowly slipped to the floorboard of the truck, catching his butt on the edge of the doorway. The jolt reverberated through his entire spine.
“What in the world are you doing?” Destiny rushed to hi
s side. She took stock of what had happened, and then focused on Brad’s face. “Never mind, I don’t want to know. Are you in pain?”
Brad nodded, unable to lie. He hadn’t taken a pain killer since before he went to bed and now, in addition to the throb in his leg and foot, his back was shooting pain through his body every time he moved.
“You’re going back to bed.” Destiny looked at Jose. “And you’re helping me get him there. Move the wheelchair closer.”
As she directed, Brad found himself back into the chair and then back into his bed. He took the offered pill with no hesitation but when Jose tried to excuse himself, he shook his head. “We need to figure out what happened to this shipment.”
Destiny’s eyes narrowed. “You have ten minutes before that pill is going to knock you out. If you want to spend it talking about work, be my guest. I’m calling the doctor and getting him out here to check what damage you’ve caused by your foolishness.”
“It wasn’t foolishness,” he called after her but she didn’t respond except for a wave of the hand which he took to mean, I don’t buy it.
Jose stood watching, his hat clasped tightly in his hands. “I’m sorry, boss. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Brad waved away his concerns. He scribbled a list onto a sheet of paper. “Okay, so this is what you’re going to do. You drive this up to Spokane yourself. Tell the crew at the warehouse you’ll be out of the area for a while. You have someone you trust you can leave behind, right?”
“Yes, boss.”
Brad handed him the list. “And take an extra bottle of the 2016 Sweet for Sara at the event for letting us know there was a problem. Tell her I owe her dinner.”